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Affordable Housing Month videos are LIVE!

Hi Friend,

That's a wrap on Affordable Housing Month! In May, we held our first in-person gathering since 2019, sponsored more than 20 in-person and online events, and celebrated our collective power.

Whether you attended one of our events in-person, online, or just liked one of our posts on oscial media, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping to make this month a success.

Read on for a recap of our month of events and to catch up on our video recordings.

In Solidarity,

Sasha Perigo, Strategic Communications Manager


EBHO Live 🎥

Did you miss one of our Affordable Housing Month events? Never fear! You can now watch any of our four EBHO-hosted events on our YouTube channel.

All Affordable Housing Month videos are closed captioned, and one even features an appearance from my cat. This is the perfect content to switch on in the background as your brain winds down on Friday afternoon.

Watch Now: Affordable Housing Month Kickoff Event

Watch Now: How to Find Affordable Housing in Alameda County with 211 & the AC Housing CHOICES Website

Watch Now: Transforming the Grief of Housing Injustice

Watch Now: Candidate Forum on Food & Housing Justice in District 3


Affordable Housing Month Kickoff

We saw so many of your smiling faces at our Affordable Housing Month Kickoff event on May 4th! This event was held both in-person and on Zoom, making this the first time we've gathered in person since 2019.

We ate. We drank. We tapped elbows. We jammed to tunes from DJ Wild Man.

We also honored three affordable housing heroes — Mike Pyatok, Moe Wright, and the honorable Wilma Chan — for their contributions towards providing affordable homes for everyone in the East Bay.

EBHO Policy Manager Alex Werth and Emcee Ndidi Okwelogu dance to tunes before the program.

EBHO Policy Manager Alex Werth and Emcee Ndidi Okwelogu dance it out before the live program.

Two people wearing masks clapping.

Attendees clap to honor our affordable housing heroes.

Missed the event? Don't worry. The recording is now up on YouTube.


Month of Events

We weren't quite sure what to expect when planning a hybrid program of events for the first time since COVID-19 struck in 2020, but we were so pleasantly surprised by the turnout!

In May, EBHO welcomed more than 300 attendees across 20 Affordable Housing Month events. We were able to connect with longtime supporters, partner with new organizations, and connect with many of you for the very first time.

Here are just a few highlights:


We attended the grand opening of the Veterans Square affordable housing community, hosted by our member org Satellite Affordable Housing Associates.

Veterans Square Grand Opening Photo

Formerly homeless veterans speak about what this development means to them.


Gloria and Aziza tabled at Oakland Housing Authority's Owner Appreciation Day to bring EBHO resources to Section 8 landlords.

Aziza Crowder sits behind a table filled with EBHO literature.

Admin Associate Aziza Graham tables at Oakland Housing Authority's Owner Appreciation Day.


In an exciting surprise to close out the month, Deputy Secretary of Housing & Urban Development Adrianne Todman toured two Oakland affordable housing developments, Coliseum Place and Vista & Paseo Estero!

Congratulations to MidPen Housing and Resources for Community Development! Our very own Damion Scott and Gloria Bruce were invited to take part in a small roundtable with the Deputy Secretary and Mayor Libby Schaaf. 

Tweet from RCD reads:We had the honor of showing Coliseum Place, our new 100% affordable community in Oakland, to @DepSecTodman. More than half of the households in this community benefit from @HUDgov's Section 8 Project-Based Vouchers, providing deeply affordable homes to low-income families.

Learn in The Study Room

Another big part of EBHO's Affordable Housing Month is the relaunch of our online Study Room.

The Study Room is a collection of educational resources first launched in 2021 as a way of distributing resources online in lieu of a physical guidebook. It has been revised, redesigned, and expanded for Affordable Housing Month2022.

What started as an adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic has been a huge success! Since its inaugural launch, The Study Room has been viewed by over 4,000 people, and our educational resources are now available anytime, anywhere.

Dive in to one of our study nooks today to read about the history of affordable housing in the Bay Area, read profiles of affordable housing residents, or to learn from our organizers about building power.

Visual notes on what the East Bay will look like when we win.

Learn how to organize for a better world in EBHO's Study Room.

US Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Union Bank, Meta, United Way Bay Area, Chan Zuckerberg Institute, Bank of the West, San Francisco Foundation, Great Communities Collaborative, The California Endowment, Sunlight Giving, MidPen Housing, James E. Roberts-Obayashi Corporation, Satellite Affordable Housing Associates, Community Economics

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Donations support EBHO's ongoing work to ensure everyone in the East Bay will have a quality home they can afford. 

Contact Us

East Bay Housing Organizations
538 9th Street Suite 200
Oakland, California 94607


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